Open Flowers.rkt
#lang racket

;;; Modules and Dependencies

(require games/cards racket/gui racket/class racket/unit
         racket/include racket/date
         (prefix-in deco- "sections/delta-color.rkt")

;;game-mod (provide game@)
;;game-mod [define game@ (unit (import) (export)

;(load "card-logic.rkt")
(include (file "sections/pretext.rkt"))
(include (file "sections/flowers.rkt"))
(include (file "sections/stacks.rkt"))

;; The layout can be any file with a class fullfilling the
;; regular layout interface. (See layout96l.rkt)
(include (file "sections/layout77.rkt"))
(include (file "sections/layout87.rkt"))
(include (file "sections/layout96l.rkt"))

(include (file "sections/rules.rkt"))
(include (file "sections/coordinator.rkt"))
(include (file "sections/shell.rkt"))

;; Garbage Collection / JIT Compiler

;; The JIT compiler is too time consuming for our game.
(eval-jit-enabled #f)

;; Program Startup

(define sort-deck (new flower-garden%))

;;game-mod )] ; closes unit game implementation